Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The apple tree

A trip back to India is always a learning in more ways than one. You look back at times you have spent in your motherland, you reflect at what has been and what has shaped your life to the point at where you stand on that day. You look around at places and people who have also had a formative influence on your life and you try and put them against the mental pictures you had of them before. You find out a lot of people have actually changed, but maybe its just you who has. Maybe you have matured and gained a different perspective of them or maybe its just them. A lot of questions remain and a lot of questions remain unanswered. One of these people you get to observe quite closely is your parents, one of the most important things in your life, people battle hardened in life's war, people to whom you speak to almost everyday but who still are separated from you by the physical distances. However you notice how these holders of your genetic pool are really splitting images of yourself split only by spaces of time and a generation. You slowly notice uncanny similarities at they way they handle situations, the way they react, the way they handle people. Its scary at first to finally notice these things which you might have missed when you were less mature. But at the end of the day I realized it was a learning curve. Its a time to pat yourself on the back for the good things you have imbibed and admire in your parents and on the other hand its a time to consciously bring about changes if you think need be, on things which make you incompatible with people while you still can because you are still in a position to do so. Which way you look at it I think if you look hard enough it will be there for you to see that the apple never falls too far from the tree.


Jinguchakka said...

Got the big picture, eh?

So how was your trip?
assuming you had returned

Anonymous said...

Yeah... apple never does really fall very far from the tree..

M (tread softly upon) said...

Nice. It is actually quite funny that we turn out to be our parents even though all through the growing years we try so hard not to. And when we do we actually start enjoying it.
Here's hoping you had a wonderful trip.

totti said...

Yes...but get this...the same apple triggered Newton to come up with his hare brained theory and look where we landed? *In SP style*..Do you still think of apples the same way, kyle? huh? Think again :p

on other hand, good post and my thoughts run surprisingly parallel to yours on this one...

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know you, so as your title reads, I didn't end up reading your blog. Instead I decided to comment to you with a question. Can I read your blog?

Rohan Kumar said...

@Jinguchakka Yes I have and well the trip was errrr too short .... always is :)

@Perspective Inc. Yup

@m I dunno abt enjoying it but yes its quite an experience :)

@totti You are really losing me with all this SP overdose man but glad to know we are on the same page on the blog topic, enjoy ur India sojurn

@Edgewalker Now that you are here you might as well have a look around of course at yur own peril :)

Point 5 said...

Welcome back...hope you had a great trip...I am eagerly awaiting my trip home next month...

Btw, are u following the Ashes fiasco, and the south african debacle !!

Anonymous said...

its been long.. welcome back rohan...:)


Rohan Kumar said...

@Pointy Thank you, how long r u going to be gone for? Yes I did follow the Ashes and the SA series all live on TV for a change :)

@demi Hiii thank you, how've u been and whatever happened to your blog?