Wednesday, February 28, 2007

O bloggers where art thou?

A Looong, looong time ago in a Galaxy far, far away ......... cut cut cut. I know these are emotional times but there’s no need to get all melodramatic right about now. The point I was trying to make was make that a while back I had started blogging taking me on this emotional rollercoaster where thoughts flew thick and fast as I put myself along with various my contrived ideas for public consumption. Some people joined me in this journey as we exchanged our thoughts across our set of blogs resulting in there always being something to look forward to at boring hours at work, or times when we got tired of pointless surfing across the net or watching too much TV. It was a fun time where all those people on my blog roll posted actively and I opened up their blogs in expectation of reading something new. But of late I have noticed that a lot of blogs that I used to visit and even actively comment on, have been going dead from lack of activity. I don’t know whether it’s a plain exhaustion of ideas, or lack of time, or just loss of interest in blogging. Whatever it is this affliction is quite bad because it’s taken epidemic proportion and stricken almost every blog on my blog roll. I have been a victim too but I a not ready to give up anytime soon. Even though I might be creatively broke of late blogging still continues to give me as much joy as it used to. So for the sake of the joy that runs across all the readers including mine when I visit blogs I like and see a new post, we should all pledge to continue to write whenever we can. As I have said before blogging is not about penning masterpieces, if it was people would just simply switch to reading books from fancy authors. Blogging has always been about people who like you managing to get a piece of you and I don’t think it’s fair to deny them their share, so write on bloggers :)


Totti said...

sure thing...its a depressing thought that keeps nagging me...:( ...but thanks for the wake up call ...hope to rejoin wordplay soon..and..yeah...pointy be damned :p

Pri said...

hmmm ive heard that during the first year people post almost everyday and then eventually get bored. anyway im only 4 months old so im safe for now. That and the world cup is coming up!

Oh and your splendid taste in music keeps me coming back. You never fail to update that. By the by I totally steal (borrow?) your music on stickem. :)

shelzter said...

Exactly my sentiments!!

Noone seems to be motivated to write any more ...

M (tread softly upon) said...

Read your mind and posted before you said your piece :)
For me it is neither the lack of time or exhasution of ideas but a combination of general apathy and bad times. But like you said I am not willing to give up either. So I struggle and I stay afloat. And hope that I can still write.

Point 5 said...

Yup...its surprising, how everyone went quite all of sudden...this is epedemic...

On my was never exhaustion of ideas..its been plain lack of time..hopefully things will fall into routine, and I can devote more time...Blogging is too valuable for me to lay low for long...

Kudos...on keeping the activity going...

Subash said...

keep on rockin' in the free world!!

Rohan Kumar said...

@Karthik Good you showed up on ur blog ... finally, if anything you can write a 1001 posts on why you hate pointy ;)

@Pri Well hope the epidemic doesnt get to you, my next post is gonna be on the world cup only :) Thnk you abt the music and help yourself to the music its a fee world

@Zulfikar Well just hope you dont fall intot he rut too ;)

@M Well hope you get out of your bad times so we can get treated to a piece of our favorite blog again

@Point Sure is surprising, yeah if all of us dont let it die down consciously we should be good with our circle of blogs for a while atleast

@Subash Hmmm ok you too man :)

Manchus said...

Good that you are ready to fight the Blogger's Block phase! Though I am not a regular blogger, I would try to update my blog every now and then. At least my pace has been consistent from the start. Very few posts in any given time :)

BTW, I visit a number of blogs quite regularly and yours is one of them. It is always a joy to read.Keep writing!!