Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Just Do It !

Most current bloggers start off as readers of other's blogs. They develop their favorites gradually intrigued by the concept of putting their thoughts down, some even developing a tiny lil tinge of fascination for particular styles of writing. Some start of as just readers moving on to be anonymous commentators, some moving on to be regular bloggers but this post is not about them. Its about the others who still sit on the sidelines telling themselves they think they should get themselves a blog someday. However be it out of sheer laziness of a supposed shortage of time they never do. Sometimes they just keep trying to convince themselves that they don't have the necessary skills to write a broadly entertaining blog. However they need to realize that no one really starts off as an expert when writing blogs. That probably explains those awkward first posts. Lots of blogs get stuck on that first post but the trick is to keep on writing. The posts slowly and magically get easier to pen down. Personally I don't even think anyone really gets better. Its like being asked to walk butt naked down a fashion show. You could really never get good at it but if you do it 4-5 times you get more comfortable in your skin. And besides writing blogs has never been about becoming the next big thing in the world of writing, its but a very personal means of expression and all of us being inherently different from one another can irrigate a bunch of thoughts previously unwritten. Blogging has never been about creating the next masterpiece. I blog whenever I feel like I have something to say, to put up and that's why when the fun goes out of it someday I will walk away, just like that. But this post is not about me, its about all of you who really deserve a blog for themselves, its time you got yourself one. In other words to quote one of the most famous tag lines in advertising history 'Just Do It!' and when you do please drop me a line.


Anonymous said...

Baba, you'll be the first one to know whenever I start :)

shelzter said...

Sometimes its still hard to let your mind flow into words!! But I agree, once you start at some point it will start happening naturally.

I love the music on your site.

Jinguchakka said...

Have you become the grand-dady of bloggers? :-))
But what you say is very true.

btw, who is this singing? Avril?

Madame Mahima said...

awesome..thats exactly how i started off..and my first post was so blah!

Its like being asked to walk butt naked down a fashion show. You could really never get good at it but if you do it 4-5 times you get more comfortable in your skin.
so good of the rare few times u actually make sense :P

Raindrop said...

It's kinda how I started. For now though, I'm hooked. To both reading other people's blogs and writing my own posts.

M (tread softly upon) said...

That is so true. And that is how I started :) And you were one of the first blogs I used to read. So in a way you did influence me.

Point 5 said...

I think I blog because I have a lot of extra time, and I consider writing blogs as constructive.

Although Blog is/can also (be) an addiction cos u end up checking different blogs comments etc ..

totti said...

Yeah. Or if you have a really bad batting average at PCG :D.that would explain a lot!! loved the analogy

Rohan Kumar said...

@Ad Not in the near future I guess :)

@Zufikar Yup and then it gets much easier then, song's from Evanescence's new album

@Jinguchakka Ha ha thats a funny expressions but why do you say that. Song's by Evanescence off their new album

@mahima 'one of the rare few times u actually make sense' wth how come you say that then in every single comment of urs then ;)

@raindrop Pretty additive this thing aint it?

@M No ways I thought I came to your blog first, either ways we both have Sagnik to thank for discovering each other's blogs

@Pointy Yeah bit of both for me too, andyes wholesomely addicitive of course

@totti Thnx, didnt quite get it how it connected to the bad batting avg thing

SeePearrl said...

"Lots of blogs get stuck on that first post but the trick is to keep on writing."

so true!!

totti said...

err...just wanted to say that point...but if you go by my theory that any two things in this universe are connected, then :)

M (tread softly upon) said...

BUt you still were one of the earliest blogs I used to frequent. And okay will run over to sagnik and thank him :)

Sig said...

Hey there....first time here - just wanted to say I really like the music u have here - it was a great way to have some music in the background while I studied :) (and I like your blog too :P)

Rohan Kumar said...

@white forest Looks like you sure did now neatly perched on a treasure trove of memories

@totti Wth u've lost it totally now, U need some fresh 16801 air :)

@mahima Just a mere drone in the delusional kingdom where Lagosians rule then

@m :)

@silvara Thnx, Evanescence is one of my fav groups too, glad I cud be of any help with ur studies, shall drop by ur blog too

Ekta said...

To me a blog is a means of self expressions...its not about generating comments but merely about saying what I want to say!

Anarkist said...

I do write once in a while. The posts usually come easily. I write only when I have something interesting to write about. But I am definitely addicted to reading blogs. I have about 150 feeds subscribed to in Thunderbird. I am definitely hooked. And I do know several people who are great to have conversations with but don't have blogs. I'm sure they would write entertaining blogs if only they start. Speaking about blogs, has the new (beta) blogger dashboard activated on your account?

Rohan Kumar said...

@ekta And tht emotion comes across exactly in your latest post, hope you'll be bac soon

@anarkist Yeah like once in a blue moon when poor souls of the animal and insecr kingdom are pushed closer to extinction :). And no even my blog is able to shift over to the new dashboard for some reason