Thursday, August 17, 2006


People are inherently different from one another and that's one of the primary things that makes life so interesting. You never really know who you might meet everyday and even if you know who you don't really know what new side of them you will see that day. When two people meet they are brought together by common likes and dislikes, intrigued by varied tastes and pulled apart by seemingly lofty standards they set for others in the lives. These two forces battle out in the playground of the mind till they discover redeeming qualities that binds them in a bond for life, splits them apart by an ever widening gap or wedges a wall of indifference between them. The former for obvious reasons is the most memorable as it connects people on many levels. They get used to each other forming friendships and layering out strands of history between them. Then people go their own ways probably never to meet again but those friendships stand as does the history. And when time and a bunch of inexplicable reasons and fortuitous coincidences bring them together no ice breakers are required. They stand together on level plains on mountains of history and they need no ice breakers. All they mutter are muted thank yous.

P.S. I dont really know where this post was headed. It was one of those times when I was really happy and wanted to mark it with a blog but really ddidnt know how to. This post is reflecting back on the past month when I met up and caught up with many of my close friends from both school and college back from Delhi. People I thought would never meet again but I did, out in a place thousands and thousands of miles away from where I had first met them.


totti said...

hee hee..hold on

totti said...

beautifully worded...more often people (read pupil) weave words more for the effect of it than really meaning any sense. On the flip side, you used ice breaker twice. Is that fine ? it sounded like bush's war speech..truth by reinforcement..err..allright..:)

M (tread softly upon) said...

That's what friends are for. You don't need to make an effort or be someone else. You can start from any point like you never ever parted ways. And no matter where you go, what you do, you carry a special place for them in your heart. And that truly makes life worth living. And as you say neither time nor distance can tarnish that special bond. I'm glad you're happy. (one can tell because you made a typo in your p.s. and that doesn't happen too often :))

Raindrop said...

It's amazing when you meet people from home. I once met a girl at my apartment complex, who knew me from school! How crazy is that??

Madame Mahima said...

i know what u mean...just today i met someone from my past..we'd been tight..lost touch for a bit...but we picked up right where we left off...such things are food for your soul.

good on you
so i take it u guys got drunk big time? :D

Jinguchakka said...

Why the "muted thankyous"?
Otherwise what you say is right.

Raindrop said...

Mon cher blog is very link-free, so I linked you. :)

Rohan Kumar said...

@totti Wth I dont think its gramatically permissable to use 'beautifully worded' and 'bush' in the same sentence

@M You in touch with ur friends from back in India? and cmon I make so many typos, you just just get over eager to get to the end of these 'darn I wish this thing wud finish faster' posts and overlook em ;)

@Raindrop Life's crzy ways of re inforcing how its always one up on you :) and shall blogroll you too on the next update

@Mahima Then you seem to having an overburgeoning soul ;) and yup we sure did

@Jinguchakka Its one of those things that need to be experienced, when you come up against these freakish co incidences in life you do always tend to look up and do the thumbsup routine coz you dont really know who else to thank

Point 5 said...

How the hell did Totti get to comment first on ur last 2 posts ?

Ekta said...

Well some people leave such a ever-lasting impression on ur mind that no matter how long uv been away from them..when u meet them...all those yrs just melt away like they never existed!

Madame Mahima said...

u just called me fat.
stop it motu, stop it.

M (tread softly upon) said...

Yes I am. Back in India and the ones that came over here. And the ones scattered all across the globe. I am very loyal when it comes to friends, esp old ones.

Rohan Kumar said...

@pointy With the quantity of work I can personally imagine totti to be doing at his internship I am surprised you made that observation ;)

@Ekta So true

@Mahima Well someone's got to speak the truth you see, you shall be grateful someday

@M Am glad for you :)