Monday, February 27, 2006

Thank you

This might not be what I was willing to say
But then there might not be a better way
You've stood by me through testing times
As I have sweated through the grind
So as time plays the wedge that might drive us apart
To a new beginning a new start
A flood of emotions that I am swimming through
Brimming on the top is a big Thank you


totti said...

"As i have sweated through the grind"..Hmmm..hmmm..wait..hmm...when was the last time you sweated it out? Probably when you were whacked by parthu? :))..but yeah, i know i have stood by you through all the time you have been tested...i gladly accept the thank you.

OnLY OnE..! said...

Could be sold as a hallmark greeting! :)

Shivangi Misra said...

Not that I have anything to say, but I'll make my presence felt anyway!
Die poetry die!

Casablanca said...

Beautifully written.
And I'll take the liberty to ask, who (other than Totti) is it addressed to? :)

Casablanca said...

Wait a sec!
You arent saying goodbye to your blog, are you???

RT said...

yes. I concur with casablanca.. Whats with all the thank yous..??

Madame Mahima said...

awww thats too sweet, you're welcome rohan ;)

okok seriously, this better not be a nice way of saying 'tata no more blogging for me!'

:@ coz we'll come after you.
you know we will!

Rohan Kumar said...

This post has been a long time in the making for lack of words to express my emotions. With this post I just wanted to express my gratitude for a lot of ppl that have helped me hang in there through a testing last 5 months. Life couldn't get any better now with this new job in place but I do wanna look back and remember all those who helped me in their own lil way in getting here. SO I would like to thank Vijay, Jhanvi, Chilli, Golu, Sri, Surdy, Shawn, Anuj, Rupeet, Shivani, Puja, Suman, Arun, Pawar, totti and the entire PCG gang and of course last but not the least the blogosphere (what a world would it be without you all for company). I know that was a long speech but I guess it something to do with the Oscar season being around the corner :)

@totti Wth 2.5 years at PCG and you can only count one instance of me getting whacked, speaks volumes abt my bowling abilities (and we havent even gotten started abt my batting abilities):)

@Iturhs I was hoping it wasnt that sugary enough

@Shivangi 'Die poetry die' I think it just did :)

@Casablanca Thank you, hope the para on top answers all your questions

@RT This blog is here to stay dont worry

@mahima The blog's gonna be around for a while btw Spore is a long way away to come after someone :)

M (tread softly upon) said...

Wow...that was an Academy award kind post and speech. Very touching too. Sometimes it's hard to express the way we feel inside and yet you make it seem so easy. Here's wishing you the very best in your life as you move ahead in leaps and bounds.

Point 5 said...

You are welcome :)

Shivangi Misra said...

Like the music on your blog...

ligne said...

thank you can mean much when you use the right words to go with it :)
good one

Rohan Kumar said...

M Thank you and believe me when I say it was tough to get those emotions out in words, I dont even need to wish for your well being coz I know good things happen to good ppl

@Pointy The only thing I am thanking you for for is the sumptious over you served up for me during your farewell days at PCG :)

@Shivangi The song's 'EK dil ne' OST Musafir

@ligne Well what can I say but Thank you

Madame Mahima said...

i still would!

Rohan Kumar said...

@mahima Always welcome

aminura ytrobarkahc said...

ur verses in this post are excellent not in terms of their poetic standrs but more so,in terms of the sincerity they express. capable of making any reader react with an 'o! how sweet'.
gud luck!