Friday, February 24, 2006

We are like this only

Most of us go through our lows in life. We all go through the pits where we actually look around and wonder aloud that out of the 6 billions other that walk this earth with you, "Why me God, why?". Most of us make it out of those times to go on to very successful and happy lives. Ever wondered why then we make such heroes out of those survivors, why we hero worship praising their courage and grit. I feel there's a survivor in all of us and if we last its not because we are heroes, it because that's human nature to battle the odds and emerge either unscarred or battle bloodied. Blame the way he made us or as for all the disbelievers start believing in evolution.


M (tread softly upon) said...

I just read an email where it talked about Arthur Ashe where someone asked him when he was battling cancer whether he ever was mad at God for making him suffer. And he answered that while he was at his top winning tennis championships he never questioned God saying "why me" out of all the people in the world. And therefore now that he is down with something bad he doesn't have the right to ask "why me" and not all those other people in the world.
It is natural to feel sorry for yourself when things don't go right and say "why me". But like you said we live on hope and we keep on fighting.

ligne said...

right now am screaming " why doesn't something interesting happen to me!"
but its kinda like that na? I am not being patronizing here, but if you are down in the dumps, the will/fight to survive makes it all worthwhile..
ps: the picture comment was meant as a compliment.. :)

totti said...

WTH your manager giving you a hard time already? or is this the thursday thing take off? i told you not to go ahead with that plan!! :)

We should start a Excuse blog exclusively on shiva and chillar.Where we can put excuse after excuse for not showing up at PCG :)

Jinguchakka said...

Workplace blues? Trying to cope up with some moron and taking it out here?

Rohan Kumar said...

@m That was a great line by Arthur Ashe, and yes hope's the key

@ligne The fight is a battle in the war called life and thnx for the compliment

And I quote myself from a previous post 'This gives rise to the question why ppl go ahead and assume that any account on this blog happens to be autobiographical. As a rule all posts are to be considered fictional unless mentioned otherwise on the posts.'

@totti Hell no and what plan are you talking abt again?

@jinguchakka Work's coming along perfectly well, just a take on life in general in the post

Madame Mahima said...

'why me'
u know i dont think i've ever really said that to myself..i just see it as 'ok i'm getting screwed over now...something good will come my way'

karma baby, yea!

Łóòň Ġãĺ said...

How true ...

ligne said...

rohan : arre I didnt think it was autobiographical.. it just so happens that I was thinking about something on similar lines when I read your the comment was about the post and "you" was generic !!
anyway, when i write its all fact and fiction blended together.. so never assumed anything :)

Casablanca said...

Song on your blog... please enlighten with details. Merci.

Rohan Kumar said...

@Mahima Karma for the eternal optimist and the law of averages is what the pessimists will utter :)

@ČħéèŝŶ.ŦēřmiŦę Welcome to the blog and I am glad you concur

@ligne That comment was only meant for totti and jinguchakka, I knew you werent anything to that effect

@Casablanca Only when I see any indusputable evidence of you having read this post (Sunu suniyo from the OST of Musafir sung by Hema Sardesai)

Point 5 said...

I think what distinguishes heroes from common ppl is the way they rebound from adversity and rise to the pinnacle.....

Techie Talk: The peak-peak value of a sinusoidal highs & lows wave for a hero is really high compared to common ppl

Shivangi Misra said...

Long time...
Yea I know what you mean. Only in my case I get stuck somewhere in between losing and winning... Bad place I tell ya
And can I plz leave a comment about your profile pic? Without being told that I am very innovative when it comes to flirting? hehe...

Casablanca said...

Hehe... merci beaucoup monsieur.

As for your post... I did read it. I even tried to understand it and comment intelligently. But failed. What to do. We are like this wonly ;)

Swathi Sambhani aka Chimera said...

hmm... words of filosify,
something to ponder on i guess.

Madame Mahima said...

on the contrary rohan...forget law of averages..i believe the good and bad days cancel each other out!

the universe is all about balance =) its achieves it one way or another!

Rohan Kumar said...

@Pointy I think we are all heroes in our own way (I got the feeling I was gonna hear a story from Lance's autobiography there for some reason)

@Shivangi That place is called suspended animation, I was there not long back (as far as flirting on this blog is concerned there is only one word INDULGE)

@Casablanca I am sure you had something smart to say but mebbe it wouldnt have been understood by lesser mortals like us :)

@Swathi Yup glad I could provide food for thought

@Mahima you actually remind me of a very funny Seinfeld episode