Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Instead of going thru the beaten to death routine of going to the gym in the evening (I wish) I went to play some basketball or shooting some hoops (yeah that does sound kinda cooler) yday evening. Now even though I am one of those guys who would get picked right up in case ppl are splitting teams, no I am not African American (in my continuing attempt to stay politically correct) its just that at 6'1 I do stand a shade taller than most of my fellow Indian basketballers (is that even a word?) its just I have never played the game actively enough. Wat the hell I'll admit I really suck at the game. So nyways we r just getting warmed up when this friend of mine starts calling me 'Duncan'. For the uninitiated Tim Duncan happens to be the most valuble player of the title winning San Antonio Spurs at this year's NBA finals. So even though I continue with my horrible run with the game of basketball probably making a miserable (216/10850)* 100% of my shots I return home really smug feeling pretty nice about that Duncan compliment. As I went into the shower I promised myself that I would stick at the game from now on and try to live upto that nickname. However as I wiped my mirror clean of the accumulated steam I realized that the compliment was by no means a judgment on my gaming abilities and I could manage a silent snigger as I looked at myself in the mirror sporting my new (French beard - moustache + soul patch) = Tim Duncan look which I had unknowingly adopted the same morning while shaving :)


Sagnik Nandy said...

hey man. i am planning to rarrange all my links over the next weekend so moi shall add all my new blogliks then. hpe that's cool :)

Point 5 said...

Dream on....I guess my absence at PCG has left u searching for new challenges :)

Anarkist said...

Did you consider the possibility that they might be sarcastic? Like 'nice shot "Duncan"', with two fingers on each hand wagging to make the quotes.