Sunday, May 07, 2006

Food for thought ... or thoughts for food

Sorry has gotta be one of God's most fascinating creations or something made in devil's own workshop.

With an appreciative audience in place ........ lightening can indeed strike the same placetwice.


Madame Mahima said...

-scratches head-
yup. i totally got that.

this is really really weird (almost freaky)
but yesterday i was looking at the lightning here (it rains like mad) and i wondered 'hmm does lightning really NEVER strike the same place twice?'


Jinguchakka said...

These days you are getting more and more abstract. Are you usally on a high when you write up a post?
Like this one?

Rohan Kumar said...

Oh cmon ppl it wasnt all that hard. Gosh how I hate having to explain myself in the comments tab its almost like a joke gone really sour and having to explain the punchline. Anyways the line abt sorry wasnt meant to point that the word depending upon how its used can be a cathartic tool or a blatant weapon of constant disregard for other's feelings. The second line on lightening simply implied that if someone wants it bad enough impossible does happen.

@mahi As I said even lightening likes to put up quite a show provided there are ppl like you waitin and watching :)

@jingu I m ok as long as long as I am on a high and not HIGH or so the cops tell me :)

@ps The title food for thought had no connxn with the post it was just a common english expression. Although I have no doubt abt ur havin a superior brain if u happen to read the post again you shall realize that no where do I imply that either food or sorry have any relationship to each other or that they require an audience.

Madame Mahima said...

hehehe okok sorry i got the lightning striking twice bit

"Oh cmon ppl it wasnt all that hard. Gosh how I hate having to explain myself in the comments tab its almost like a joke gone really sour and having to explain the punchline."
sorry i know ure a bit peeved that no one got it but its so funny how u explained it hehehe

sorry rohan!!! ill get it next time i promise!

Casablanca said...

*scratches head, goes dumb, reads explanation, pretends to understand*

Aah! So that is what it is. Smart, very smart. Rohan, you are a genius!

M (tread softly upon) said...


Point 5 said...

You need to start blogging in Layman's language, otherwise people like Totti will stop visiting your blog

Rohan Kumar said...

@Casablanca Aha sarcasm unmitigated 101 ..... ouch that overdose hurt

@M At last some one who gets it

@Comment Deleted
This post has been removed by the author.
PS I hate it when this happens

@Point ou actually might have a point there, might just be one of my first post in ages on which totti hasnt commented