Tuesday, July 12, 2005


When things are going well and so overflows the cup of joy
They pat themselves on the back beaming with pride they aren’t so coy
When things take a turn for the worse and life’s a pain
Suddenly they remember HIM; the keeper of all is to blame
However when things happen for no rhyme or reason
Everyday bringing on a new season
For a method in madness when they all are game
Only then Destiny thy is to blame.

An ample amount of free time and mumblings uttered by me trying to explain the concept of fate during a chat session shall assume responsibility for this post.


Point 5 said...

Judging by the amount of philosophy in your blog over the past few posts, I am guessing ur brain is going to overheat and explode soon :)

On a different note, we should start thinking of increasing our blog audience, so that we can exchange ideas with people from diverse backgrounds....more often than not, the same 3-4 people air their views...which in many case we are already aware of, as we know them beforehand....

totti said...

You are making me feel guilty. Does your comment mean that my opinion is unsolicited?? :) I protest

Anarkist said...

"we should start thinking of increasing our blog audience"..and how do you suppose we do that? The only way that I can think is to visit other blogs and comment there, so they visit ours and do the same. Any other way?

Totti: Thou doth protest too much. Nobody cares about your comments. Stop leaving them. :-))

Anonymous said...

Nice one rohan !!

Point 5 said...

Increasing blog traffic:

1) Add it in ur signature:
surefire way to attract people...and if they visit ur blog, there is a decent chance that they might visit one of the blog links to ur friends blog.

2) As Mudit said, we should also take time to visit other blogs and leave a trail...

3) Put nude snaps of Pamela Anderson..just kidding

Rohan Kumar said...

@POinty I dont know wat u r talking abt Pointy. Priyanka Chopra aka pc just visited my blog at 6:15 Is that brain explosion thing a reflection of ur mind on reading my blog nowadays. That Pamela Anderson idea........always works man.
@Totti ur comments are always welcome and ur protests shall be brought up in the next G8 summit
@Anarkist U can add ur blog to lots of bloglists like blogexplosion.com mebbe