Thursday, July 07, 2005

S E 7 E N

He stepped out in his new pram, the cynosure of all eyes and he beamed with PRIDE
He walked into his garden and noticed over his fence the new swing that her father had gifted her for her birthday and he was filled with ENVY
He knew if he wailed long enough he would get his bottle of milk he liked so much, so he wailed longer and harder as his GREED increased
He could never understand the big fuss about him taking his first step if he had it his way he would have stayed in his crib all day overcome by SLOTH
He just loved the after lunch ice cream and even though his nose and hands lay smeared in some he asked for more and so he fell prey to GLUTTONY
He could never understand why daddy would always be late from work so late that he only got to see him weekends and ANGER against him rose up within him
He beamed at the angelic face of his baby sitter wondering if he could be a good boy long enough to earn a peck from her again as he fell prey to LUST

They pronounced him to be a SINNER, he argued ‘Aren’t we all?’ while still wondering when exactly he became guilty of it all.


totti said...

Hmmm! Childhood memories still haunting you? Nice post.will forward to my friends :-)

Rohan Kumar said...

Thnx Totti u have broken my beleif that my best posts somehow always go by uncommented :)

Point 5 said...

Good post man..I think u have hit the nail bang on head when u said "good posts go commented"

I think only humorous and conterversial posts get commented...

I think we should have a blog meet to discuss blog fundaes like

1) Who is the intended audience ? Is blog meant for an audience, or is it personal diary ?

totti said...

Pointy you can make yours as looking for football volunteers..a tam iyer girl who loathes desis and esp tam iyers :p....

Rohan Kumar said...

Jokes apart but i think Pointy makes a very valid point when he says that only humorous and controversial posts get a reaction. I think the other are just too overwhelming or personal for ppl to comment on. Will blog on this topic sometime for sure.

Anonymous said...

"good posts go commented" ... nice point made. I'll tell why I don't comment on posts that I feel are very good. I do not want to spoil a delicious maincourse with a mediocre dessert.