Sunday, July 03, 2005

When Harry met Sally

Imagine a scene when a guy friend (call him Harry) of yours is caught off guard with some new chick that he is probably going out with. Sample this conversation
‘Hey Harry watsup how is it going’
‘Not bad man how r u doing that was hell of a game last evening’
‘Yeah man u bet, I almost spilt my can of beer when they got that last minute shot’
…………………………after n number of minutes after going thru the entire NBA season in a quick flashback and discussing loads of other things including how hot Angelina Jolie looked in Mr. and Mrs. Smith, how maddeningly frustrating the new courses are turning out to be, how well the weather’s been holding up etc. till you realize that you have more pressing matters on hand including that half eaten sub demanding ur attention at the office and make a quick exit. It is only then that you realize that ur friend very conveniently forgot to even introduce u to that girl (let her be called Sally ….wat u want it to be Angelina….hey it’s my blog and Sally is wat it stays as). I mean Sally just stood there grinning the whole time (while u just gaped at her looking interested in wat ur friend was saying, all the time wondering how such an angel was delivered to a devil like ur friend) without your friend having the courtesy to introduce her. You know what I would have dismissed such an occurrence as an exception but just that I have seen too much of it happening and it’s just plain rude on the guy’s part to just dismiss her from the conversation’s presence. I have thought over this situation for a while and have been able to come up with 2 plausible explanations for all those females who have felt absolutely invisible in situations like the ones mentioned above. I guess guys are just insecure with females and have this chronic fear of losing their girl. Also sometimes Sally doesn’t get introduced coz Harry has no idea the status quo of their relationship (happens when u get stuck with the ‘we r just friends’ bit for too long I guess) and so the non introduction is just an escapist gesture on their part.
Girls on the other hand are an absolutely different cup of tea. Sample this scene as Harry sees Sally in a bar all alone and walks upto her. After going thru the cheesy and done to death pickup lines he dares to offer her a drink only to be zapped back to square one (if all that cud actually be considered as any progress) when the first thing he is told is rudely made aware that she is there with her boyfriend. Suddenly Harry feels light tug (understatement of the year) and he comes face to face with this guy in a baby Gap T with biceps the size of Harry’s head………..sayonara Sally. My point is that if they are with someone it’s the first thing that they will make will aware you of for some reason unlike the guys. mebbe girls reading this can tell me why?

As I said guys are from Mars, girls from anywhere else.


Self Writeous said...

People construe girls to be very complex. On the contrary, I think they are extremely simple. It is almost like you take every available turn on the road when all that you needed to do was to drive straight. Just treat them as pals first and then girl-friends.

Anonymous said...

I m gonna try n analyse this..becoz u're so rite.. this kinda stuff happens all the time...

This may have very little to do with a man's insecurity but a lot with two other things - (a)Harry's fear of introducing her wrong and spending the rest of the time repenting it... and (b) his promiscuous nature.. putting a name on his relationship voices his fear deep inside of getting stuck with 1 woman the rest of his life.

Sally on the other hand, has her own reasons - (a) she is relatively (please note the word RELATIVELY) monogamous (b)she'd like to believe that her boyfriend is a knight in shining if a guy in the bar hits on her, she'd wanna let this new guy know that she is coveted by many (an ego boost..:D) and sense of security (dont try to nasty with me)

Rohan Kumar said...

@handful of hell point taken man I wud like to think the same just that my road never seems to that straight ever :)

@graphite thnx for filling in on my possible explanations? Do I know u by ny chance.