Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Titanic revisited

I recently caught Titanic on DVD again and saw the movie in a different light this time as I managed to get past (still didnt get over though) ogling at the angelic Kate Winslet. For instance I realized the epic proportion of the disaster housed by the supposedly unsinkable ship. Also I managed to comprehend the scale of logistics mismanagement that left only 20 lifeboats on board for rescuing 2200 people on the ship. Of those 2200 only 500 managed to get onto the boats while an unfortunate 1700 lay freezing in the sub zero ocean waters. After the ship finally sank down to the bottom of the ocean only 1 of the the 20 lifeboats returned to salvage the drowning people which ended up in only 6 of them being rescued. Mebbe if u manage to catch the movie the next time around the numbers wouldn't just seem numbers and you might get a better realization of the scale of the loss of human life.
One of the scenes in the movie set me thinking whether if I in a similar situation on a capsizing ship would give up my spot on the last life boat going off the ship to someone I know. I thought deep and hard about the number of people for whom I would actually undertake any such step (the imp thing being I should not think of it as a big sacrifice in fact i sholdnt be having any second thoughts abt the action). After sifting thru my past 24 years on this planet going thru entire lists of blood relations, friends, girlfriends etc I came up with a list showing up only 7-8 people. I somehow ended up thinking that it was a very small number and mebbe a sad reflection on the way I have lived life. I should have had more ppl on that list for sure coz i have always had loads and loads of friends but they just have never stuck that long with me as I have moved from school to school, school to college, college to graduate school, New delhi to State College watever may have been the reason. By the time I was finished thinking I resolved to have atleast 20 ppl on that list till I was done with livin my life.
Wud help if all u ppl readin up this blog gimme numbers from ur hypothetical lists as comments here just to help me get an idea of where i stand on this.

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